We make trust possible by ensuring each person is reliably represented in the marketplace. We do this with a Tru™ picture of each person: an actionable view of consumers, stewarded with care.
We recognize some consumers, including those in underbanked and under-resourced communities and developing economies, face challenges when attempting to fully participate in mainstream financial services ecosystems. As a result, we’re focused on enabling responsible and equitable access to financial services and empowering consumers to participate in this ecosystem. We want all consumers to understand and be understood in the global marketplace, and have the confidence to transact to secure the products and services that meet their needs.
Our holistic approach to inclusion supports our commercial inclusion objectives by advancing equity every step of the way. We create products leveraging the data assets we steward, bringing consumers into the credit economy who were previously left out. We also leverage these assets to conduct research that helps inform public policy and advocate for solutions to advance inclusion. While we recognize our greatest opportunity for impact lies within our commercial business, we also provide credit education to consumers directly, and through our community engagements.