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Online Marketplace Kaidee Switches to TruValidate for Superior Customer Success

Image for the case study titled Online Marketplace Kaidee Switches to IDVision with iovation for Superior Customer Success Team


The lack of dedicated customer success kept Kaidee’s anti-fraud team from making full use of a previous vendor’s solution. Meanwhile, fraudulent users had an advantage in their attempts to cheat Kaidee’s honest buyers and sellers.


The support Kaidee received from TransUnion surpassed its rigorous expectations. Even at a half integration, the TruValidate Device Risk feature set proved superior to the status quo.


Kaidee switched to TruValidate largely due to the support experience. As TruValidate is implemented across Kaidee’s digital properties, the online marketplace expects to enhance the customer experience, brand reputation, and market share with plans for a full integration now in its product roadmap.

"Because we're one of the better known tech companies in southeast Asia, we are used to getting good support from our vendors. With that said, I found that TruValidate's customer support was really outstanding."
– Paul Knapp, Chief Technology Officer

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