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Increase Right-party Contacts with Branded Calling

Steps for choosing a trusted vendor

While most enterprises leverage a multichannel outbound communications strategy, research shows customers prefer critical touchpoints (especially around personal information) be handled by phone.

In fact, according to a study by Forrester Consulting commissioned by Neustar, a TransUnion company, 87% of respondents agreed “the phone channel is the most important outbound contact channel.”  However, three out of four respondents said their organizations don’t have “good” right-party contact rates. Read that full report here.

Fortunately, branded calling solutions can be very effective in helping enterprises achieve more favorable right-party contact rates. 


  • Address the epidemic of robocalls, call spoofing and fraud
  • Overcome calls being mistagged as spam or blocked
  • Reassure customers, get calls answered and improve the customer experience by adding context to calls, along with verification they haven’t been spoofed

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