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TruAudience Identity Solutions for AWS

Entity Resolution with TransUnion Identity Solutions

TransUnion and AWS have joined forces to make it easier for clients to link disparate data sets to create a 360-degree view of a singular customer record. This new partnership launches TransUnion’s TruAudience Native Identity within the AWS environment.  The solution provides the capability to execute advanced identity resolution without leaving the client’s environment. TransUnion developed the transfer-less solution using AWS’ new Entity Resolution and AWS Redshift (Data Sharing Platform) to provide AWS clients the privacy-enhanced data hygiene, enrichment, and data collaboration capabilities they need to thrive in a privacy-first marketing world.   

The TruAudience Native Identity application gives clients direct access to TU’s world class data, identity graph, and machine learning capabilities to power advanced identity resolution use cases across their first-party customer and second-party partner data.  

Clients can now safely and easily connect disparate consumer data across offline and online sources to ensure accuracy across people, devices, and households. This means increased privacy as data is not transferred outside the AWS environment. 

Privacy Enhanced Data Collaboration 

Clients can now connect and share their offline and online customer data — in a secure, easy-to-use clean room — to scale their audience segmentation and omnichannel targeting initiatives. The AWS Data Clean Room leverages secure multi-party computing to compare and analyze overlapping datasets without commingling or moving data. The solution greatly reduces client and partner risk of consumer data exposure or misuse across their advertising initiatives.  

The solution powers privacy-enhanced identity resolution, audience creation, and data collaboration across marketing partners.  This partnership will help brand, agency, and publisher partners realize their advertising and revenue goals despite the unprecedented challenges of data deprecation. 

AWS clients can leverage the TruAudience Clean Room Application to:

  • Power privacy-enhanced data collaboration with brands and media partners across the marketing landscape 
  • Increase scale and improve analytics using TransUnion Identity to mazimixe overal of data sets

Amazon Data Exchange

  • Prospect File (Formerly CIF)

  • TruAudience Identity API

Use Cases


  • Insurance  

  • Retail

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