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Don't Let Inflation Throttle Your Marketing ROI

Meta’s Head of Marketing Science shares insights on how to beat inflation.

Developed countries’ inflation rates have been moving in the high single and double digits of late, numbers not seen since the mid-70s. Whatever eventually happens, inflation and recession concerns are placing advertisers under serious pressure and are expected to do so for the foreseeable future.

Watch Don't Let Inflation Throttle Your Marketing ROI to see Meta’s Head of Marketing Science Harry Davison explain how others have made a case for retaining their hard-earned budgets. He also provides a roadmap for optimizing your marketing spend in a truly dicey market.

Get answers to key questions like:

  • How should marketers define “marketing effectiveness” in today’s environment?
  • How will audience targeting change in light of the changes in the economy?
  • How does your creative marketing strategy change? How do you shift priorities in terms of product messaging?

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