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Achieve Profitable Growth by Targeting Consumers in the Movable Middle

Do you know who your brand's "movable middles" are? Companies that are successful at targeting and convincing this key segment through outcome-based marketing see 5X the advertising impact over reach-based marketing efforts.

Download "Outcome-Based Marketing v2.0" to get more information about an innovative growth framework developed by MMA Global and TransUnion. You’ll learn how to:

  • Leverage outcome-based planning to design your media budgets and channel allocation plans to deliver the growth you're looking to achieve
  • Identify and target a new crucial segment, your brand's "movable middles," open-minded consumers who are most likely to respond to your advertising and make a purchase in the future
  • Execute on our framework and develop campaigns that outperform the ROAS of traditional reach plans by more than 50% 

About the Report

Too many marketers today allocate their budgets to maximize reach or frequency instead of optimizing for the specific business outcomes that matter for their brand, such as awareness, purchase intent, or sales. 

What if we told you there was an alternative that's up to 50% more effective? Investing in your movable middles target sees measurably better results.

In today’s economic climate, as marketers are under greater pressure to deliver media plans that better align with their business priorities, MMA Global and TransUnion developed a growth outcome-based marketing framework designed to help you achieve your desired campaign goals.

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