Twenty-three percent of credit education dashboard users improved their score more than 40 points.¹
Credit-based alerts average a unique click-through rate of 23%.²
Twenty-nine percent of consumers who used our credit simulator ended up opening a new card.³*
Twenty-four percent of consumers who used our credit simulator ended up opening a new auto loan.¹**
Consumers who self-monitor credit are 2.5x more likely to open a new account.3
¹TransUnion-hosted Dashboard users enrolled between Aug.–Dec. 2020
²TransUnion-hosted Dashboard sites Jan.–Dec. 2020 enrollment and alerts: 7-day click-through rate
³2021 TransUnion analysis, direct-to-consumer and partner sites, Oct. 2019–March 2020
*Compared to 16% of those who did not simulate.
**Compared to 8% of those who did not simulate