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TruEmpower™ Education and Engagement

Help consumers achieve their financial goals with credit health tools, resources and education.

Father and son adding change to piggy bank

Put consumers in control with resources to help them understand and engage with their credit.

Education and Engagement products

Empower consumers to confidently manage their financial health with practical credit education and interactive credit and identity tools.

woman using tablet in coffee shop
woman using a smartphone
man using smartphone outside


Twenty-three percent of credit education dashboard users improved their score more than 40 points.¹


Credit-based alerts average a unique click-through rate of 23%.²


Twenty-nine percent of consumers who used our credit simulator ended up opening a new card.³*


Twenty-four percent of consumers who used our credit simulator ended up opening a new auto loan.¹**


Consumers who self-monitor credit are 2.5x more likely to open a new account.3

¹TransUnion-hosted Dashboard users enrolled between Aug.–Dec. 2020
²TransUnion-hosted Dashboard sites Jan.–Dec. 2020 enrollment and alerts: 7-day click-through rate
³2021 TransUnion analysis, direct-to-consumer and partner sites, Oct. 2019–March 2020

*Compared to 16% of those who did not simulate.
**Compared to 8% of those who did not simulate

Explore other TruEmpower solutions

Help consumers protect themselves

Give consumers the products and support they need to manage and protect their identities in today’s digital landscape, powered by IdentityForce.

woman working in home office
woman working in home office

Create additional revenue opportunities

Identify conversion and cross-sell opportunities using deep consumer analysis to generate incremental revenue.

Flower shop employee
Flower shop employee

Learn about TruEmpower Education and Engagement