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Originating Auto Loans With Confidence

After the COVID pandemic slowed auto sales and tightened credit in the US, a brief rebound in early 2021 was halted by supply shortages and higher interest rates. Today, the US auto market faces rising delinquencies, stricter lending standards and less demand.

To help auto dealers navigate ongoing changes during periods of instability, TransUnion conducted a study to uncover deeper insights into how the auto lending market has changed, and identify how lenders can confidently originate loans in the current and evolving environment. To provide a more holistic view, our research included the development of risk models to compare delinquency risk before and after the pandemic.

Download the market brief to discover:

  • The relationship between pandemic-related score migration and delinquency risk
  • How average monthly debt payments have changed over the last two years
  • The right time to tune or rebuild credit underwriting risk models 

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