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Future-Proofing Your Media Plan: Addressability for Cookie Loss and Beyond

The wait has ended. Four years after the announcement, Google has started to sunset third-party cookies from Chrome browsers. However, display isn’t the only digital marketing channel for most brands today. 

Assessing the risks of effective customer engagement and measurement starts with understanding the full landscape of media. It’s time to evaluate the effects of data deprecation on your current media plan and learn ways to improve addressability in each of your marketing channels.

Join us as experts from TransUnion, Winterberry Group, and PMG discuss the current state of media spending and resourceful strategies across connected TV, retail media, display, and mobile apps to safeguard your marketing operations.

You'll gain insights on:

  • How data deprecation affects each channel
  • The importance of addressability
  • How to de-risk your media plan in the short and long term

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