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Data Reporting FAQs

Credentialing FAQs

How do I become credentialed to report data to TransUnion?

Please contact our Client Services Department at (800) 730-0126 or email

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How do I cancel membership with TransUnion?

Please contact our Client Services Department at (800) 730-0126 or email Please have the following pieces of information ready:

  • Company name and address
  • Subscriber Code
  • Invoice Number

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Why was my membership terminated?

Please contact our Client Services Department at (800) 730-0126 or email Please have the following pieces of information ready:

  • Company name and address
  • Subscriber Code
  • Invoice Number

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Data Reporting FAQs

Who can I contact to discuss a reporting scenario and how it will appear on a consumer’s credit report?

Please contact the Data Operations at or (800) 303-9664

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What are the required fields to report to TransUnion?

The required fields for reporting consumer credit information via the Metro 2® format are identified in the Credit Reporting Resource Guide® (CRRG®). For questions regarding required fields, please contact your Data Reporting Representative or the Data Operations team at or (800) 303-9664.

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What is the Metro 2® format?

The Metro 2® format is the industry standard file format for reporting consumer credit information. The Credit Reporting Resource Guide® (CRRG®) was created by the Consumer Data Industry Association (CDIA) to assist data furnishers with reporting credit information to the credit reporting agencies. The CRRG® contains detailed information regarding the Metro 2® format. For questions regarding the Metro 2® format, please contact your Data Reporting Representative or the Data Operations team at or (800) 303-9664

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How do I obtain a copy of the Credit Reporting Resource Guide® (CRRG®)?

To obtain a copy of the CRRG® go to the CDIA’s website at

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Where do I go if I have questions regarding the Metro 2® format?

Detailed information regarding the required fields for reporting consumer credit information via the Metro 2® format can be found in the Credit Reporting Resource Guide® (CRRG®). For questions regarding the Metro 2® format, please contact your Data Reporting Representative or the Data Operations team at or (800) 303-9664.

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What software company/provider does TransUnion suggest?

TransUnion cannot recommend a software provider. Please use an Internet search engine to find a Metro 2® software provider. Popular search terms include Metro 2® credit reporting software, credit bureau reporting, or collection agency software for Third Party Collection Agencies and Debt Buyers.

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Our company name, address, phone, or contact person has changed. How do I update this information with TransUnion?

Please contact your Data Reporting Representative or the Data Operations team at or (800) 303-9664.

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Our Creditor Contact information on the Credit Report is incorrect. Who can we contact to update our information?

Please contact your Data Reporting Representative or the Data Operations team at or (800) 303-9664

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What is our TransUnion reporting subscriber code?

Please contact your Data Reporting Representative or the Data Operations team at or (800) 303-9664

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My company is upgrading to a new reporting software and I need to ensure this will not impact my customers. Can you test my credit reporting file prior to my software upgrade?

Yes. TransUnion advises any and all data reporting changes be tested prior to loading to the production database. Please contact your Data Reporting Representative or the Data Operations team at or (800) 303-9664.

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My company has transferred, sold or purchased accounts. How do I properly reflect this on a credit report?

The Credit Reporting Resource Guide® (CRRG®) can provide you with the necessary guidelines for reporting transferred, sold or purchased accounts. TransUnion advises any and all data reporting changes be tested prior to loading to the production database. For questions regarding how to report transferred, sold or purchased accounts, please contact your Data Reporting Representative or the Data Operations team at or (800) 303-9664.

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We are going out of business. How can we remove our data from your database?

The Credit Reporting Resource Guide® (CRRG®) can provide you with the necessary guidelines for reporting accounts for deletion. TransUnion advises any and all data reporting changes be tested prior to loading to the production database. For questions regarding removing accounts, please contact your Data Reporting Representative or the Data Operations team at or (800) 303-9664.

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Can I report our business accounts to your database?

The Credit Reporting Resource Guide® (CRRG®) can provide you with the necessary guidelines for reporting business accounts. For questions regarding how to report business accounts, please contact your Data Reporting Representative or the Data Operations team at or (800) 303-9664.

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How do I report Account Number changes in Metro 2®?

The Credit Reporting Resource Guide® (CRRG®) can provide you with the necessary guidelines for reporting account number changes using the L1 Segment. For questions regarding account number changes, please contact your Data Reporting Representative or the Data Operations team at or (800) 303-9664.

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How should Payment History be reported in Metro 2®?

Detailed information regarding how to report Payment History in the Metro 2® format can be found in the Credit Reporting Resource Guide® (CRRG®). For questions regarding Payment History, please contact your Data Reporting Representative or the Data Operations team at or (800) 303-9664.

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What are the valid Account Type codes that can be reported?

Detailed information regarding valid Metro 2® Account Type codes can be found in the Credit Reporting Resource Guide® (CRRG®). For questions regarding Account Type codes, please contact your Data Reporting Representative or the Data Operations team at or (800) 303-9664.

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What are the valid Account Status codes that can be reported?

Detailed information regarding valid Metro 2® Account Status codes can be found in the Credit Reporting Resource Guide® (CRRG®). For questions regarding Account Status codes, please contact your Data Reporting Representative or the Data Operations team at or (800) 303-9664.

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What value should be reported in the Date of First Delinquency field in Metro 2®?

Detailed information regarding how to report the Date of First Delinquency in the Metro 2® format can be found in the Credit Reporting Resource Guide® (CRRG®). For questions regarding Date of First Delinquency, please contact your Data Reporting Representative or the Data Operations team at or (800) 303-9664.

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Our company is merging with another entity. Do we need to let TransUnion know prior to reporting the new accounts?

Yes, TransUnion advises any and all data reporting changes be tested prior to loading to our production database. Please contact your Data Reporting Representative or the Data Operations team at or (800) 303-9664.

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How do I ensure the complete Account Number of my institution does not display on credit reports?

TransUnion has the ability to customize Account Number masking based on your business needs. Please contact your Data Reporting Representative or the Data Operations team at or (800) 303-9664.

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How do I ensure the complete Account Number of my institution does not display on other creditors’ credit reports, but can still be viewed in full by my company?

TransUnion has the ability to customize Account Number masking based on your business needs. Please contact your Data Reporting Representative or the Data Operations team at or (800) 303-9664.

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We noticed there are accounts no longer on our system and are not showing as closed at TransUnion. How do we update these accounts to show as closed?

Please contact your Data Reporting Representative or the Data Operations team at or (800) 303-9664.

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My institution's accounts are appearing twice on the credit report. Why is this happening and how can it be corrected?

This is most likely the cause of a reporting change to account information which prevented the account from updating appropriately. Please contact your Data Reporting Representative or the Data Operations team at or (800) 303-9664.

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How can I obtain my monthly Statistics and Error Listing?

Please contact your Data Reporting Representative or the Data Operations team at or (800) 303-9664.

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We have transmitted an incorrect file. Who should be notified to stop or prevent this file from loading to the database?

Please contact your Data Reporting Representative or the Data Operations team at or (800) 303-9664.

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The person who handled our reporting left the company, and we don’t know how to report. How do we create the file and send it in?

Please contact your Data Reporting Representative or the Data Operations team at or (800) 303-9664.

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How often can I transmit update files to TransUnion?

Data furnishers should report consumer account updates once per month at the end of a billing cycle. If a credit grantor has multiple billing cycles, cycle reporting may be appropriate. Cycle reporting involves reporting a separate file for each of the billing cycles and requires submitting files more frequently than once per month. We recommend you notify TransUnion prior to making any changes to your reporting processes. Please contact your Data Reporting Representative or the Data Operations team at or (800) 303-9664.

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I would like to begin reporting credit data to TransUnion. How long will the testing process take once I submit a file?

Once credentialing has been completed and a file has been successfully submitted via Electronic Data Transfer (EDT), testing will begin. Testing time can vary if issues need to be corrected and multiple test files need to be submitted. Please contact your Data Reporting Representative or the Data Operations team at or (800) 303-9664.

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Once a file is transmitted to TransUnion, how long will it take to update a consumer's file?

Generally, updates will reach a consumer's file within approximately 24 - 72 hours from the time TransUnion completes processing the file.

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When a credit data file is transmitted to TransUnion, will the updates be forwarded to the other credit reporting agencies?

No. You will need to report the files to each of the credit reporting agencies individually if you want each credit reporting agency to receive the updates.

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We're implementing internal system changes that may impact the reporting of our file. Can TransUnion test the data prior to processing it in production?

Yes, TransUnion can test the data prior to loading the file to production. TransUnion advises any and all data reporting changes be tested prior to loading to the production database. Please contact your Data Reporting Representative or the Data Operations team at or (800) 303-9664.

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Who can I contact to discuss how to transmit a file for testing?

Please contact your Data Reporting Representative or the Data Operations team at or (800) 303-9664.

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What's involved with testing a file for a new data provider?

Files submitted by first-time data providers are tested and reviewed to ensure they're formatted correctly according to the Metro 2® guidelines and adhere to FCRA regulations. Any issues identified during the testing process will be discussed with the data provider prior to loading the data into production. This may result in the need for the data provider to make corrections and submit a new file for review. Please contact your Data Reporting Representative or the Data Operations team at or (800) 303-9664.

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What are the steps involved with being set up to report credit data to TransUnion?

Please contact the Data Operations team at or (800) 303-9664.

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I'm unable to open the zip file containing the test results for our review. Who can I contact for assistance?

Please contact your Data Reporting Representative or the Data Operations team at or (800) 303-9664. Please have your assigned case number available if applicable.

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I need assistance in understanding the documentation I received containing the test results from our credit data transmission. Who can assist in explaining the materials?

Please contact your Data Reporting Representative or the Data Operations team at or (800) 303-9664. Please have your assigned case number available if applicable.

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How do I ensure TransUnion has received my credit reporting file?

Please contact your Data Reporting Representative or the Data Operations team at or (800) 303-9664.

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We want to change the method we currently utilize to transmit our data. Who can we contact to discuss the transmission solutions offered by TransUnion?

Please contact your Data Reporting Representative or the Data Operations team at or (800) 303-9664.

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Who can we contact to discuss how to handle the reporting of a new portfolio?

Please contact your Data Reporting Representative or the Data Operations team at or (800) 303-9664. TransUnion advises any and all data reporting changes be tested prior to loading to the production database.

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My company processes data for multiple data furnishers. With whom can I speak to discuss reporting a new customer?

Please contact your Data Reporting Representative or the Data Operations team at or (800) 303-9664.

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Who can we contact to discuss how to handle the transition of our in-house reporting platform to a processor?

Please contact your Data Reporting Representative or the Data Operations team at or (800) 303-9664.

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Who can we contact to discuss how to handle the transition of our processing from a processer to in-house software?

Please contact your Data Reporting Representative or the Data Operations team at or (800) 303-9664.

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I need to make a modification to my Program Identifier and Internal Identification Number. Who can I contact to discuss these changes?

Please contact the your Data Reporting Representative or the Data Operations team at or (800) 303-9664. TransUnion advises any and all data reporting changes be tested prior to loading to the production database.

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What are the minimum requirements to report data to TransUnion?

Please contact our Client Services Department at (800) 730-0126 or email

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e-OSCAR® Dispute Support FAQs

What is e-OSCAR®?

e-OSCAR®, the Online Solution for Complete and Accurate Reporting, is a browser-based, Metro 2® compliant system developed by Equifax, Experian, Innovis and TransUnion. eOSCAR-web was designed to provide an online solution for processing Automated Credit Dispute Verifications (ACDVs) and Automated Universal Data forms (AUDs). Please call (866) MY-OSCAR or (866) 696-7227 or visit

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Is there a charge to use the e-OSCAR® system?

Please call (866) MY-OSCAR or (866) 696-7227 or visit

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How do we register with e-OSCAR®?

Please call (866) MY-OSCAR or (866) 696-7227 or visit

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We're attempting to register for e-OSCAR® and the application is requiring a TransUnion Reporting Subscriber code: Can you please provide this code?

Please contact your Data Reporting Representative or the Data Operations team at or (800) 303-9664.

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We received a dispute and have questions on how to respond?

Please contact our e-OSCAR® Support Group at (855) 868-7923 or email for assistance.

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How do we update a tradeline we reported incorrectly on our automated data transmission?

An individual tradeline can be modified via the e-OSCAR® platform using the AUDF process. Please contact our e-OSCAR® Support Group at (855) 868-7923 or email for assistance. Once the request has been processed, please allow 24-48 hours for updates to take effect. Also, be sure to make the same correction in the monthly reporting file.

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After I submit an AUDF via e-OSCAR®, when can I expect to see the update reflected on TransUnion's database?

Once the request has been processed, please allow 24-48 hours for the updates to take effect. For additional information, please contact our e-OSCAR® Support Group (855) 868-7923 or email for assistance.

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Can we add a new tradeline via our e-OSCAR® platform?

No, tradelines cannot be added, but they can be modified via e-OSCAR®. Please contact our e-OSCAR® Support Group at (855) 868-7923 or email for assistance.

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Can we send our updates via the e-OSCAR® platform instead of creating and sending our monthly file electronically?

The AUD section of the e-OSCAR® platform was designed to make a change to an individual tradeline when necessary. Changes made via e-OSCAR® must also be made to your monthly reporting file. It's recommended you report your full portfolio via the automated data reporting process in the Metro 2® format. Please contact our e-OSCAR® Support Group at (855) 868-7923 or email for assistance.

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Can I modify my institution's phone number and address in e-OSCAR®?

Yes, you may modify your phone and address through e-OSCAR®, but you must also contact your Data Reporting Representative for modification to the address and phone in the Data Reporting system. Please contact your Data Reporting Representative or the Data Operations team at or (800) 303-9664.

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We're locked out of e-OSCAR® and need to change administrators. How do we accomplish this?

Please contact our e-OSCAR® Support Group at (855) 868-7923 or email for assistance.

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Who should a consumer contact with questions or regarding a dispute on a TransUnion credit report?

If you are a consumer inquiring about an account and how it is reporting on your TransUnion credit report, please contact Consumer Relations at (800) 916-8800.

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We requested an update/deletion to an account via e-OSCAR®: Can you look at the consumer’s credit report and tell me if the change/deletion has been made?

Please utilize TransUnion's Account Reporting Review product to verify that the account change has been made to the file. You may also contact the e-OSCAR® Support Group at (855) 868-7923 or email for verification.

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Public Records FAQs

How does TransUnion receive public record information?

TransUnion obtains public record information from U.S. courts. For questions regarding public records, please contact the Data Operations team at or (800) 303-9664.

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How often does public record information get updated?

Public Record information is updated multiple times daily.

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Which courts does TransUnion receive public record information from?

Public records are obtained from federal bankruptcy courts.

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Who can I contact if I have a question about why a public record or judgment filed against a consumer has not updated, does not appear, or does not appear accurately on a credit report?

Please contact the Data Operations team at or (800) 303-9664.

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Support Team FAQs

How can we purchase the Account Reporting Review product?

Please contact your TransUnion Sales Representative to request this product. If you're unsure who your representative is, please contact your Data Reporting Representative or the Data Operations team at or (800) 303-9664.

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We received an invoice from TransUnion. Who can I contact for an explanation regarding the invoice?

Please reference your invoice from TransUnion and contact your Sales Representative. If you're unsure who your representative is, please contact your Data Reporting Representative or the Data Operations team at or (800) 303-9664.

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I'm reviewing a TransUnion credit report and have questions. Where can I obtain information relating to understanding the credit report?

Please contact your TransUnion Sales Representative. If you're unsure who your representative is, please contact your Data Reporting Representative or the Data Operations team at or (800) 303-9664.

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Who is our TransUnion Sales Representative?

Please reference your invoice from TransUnion and contact your Sales Representative. If you're unsure who your representative is, please contact your Data Reporting Representative or the Data Operations team at or (800) 303-9664. Please have the following pieces of information ready:

  • Company Name and Address
  • Subscriber Code
  • Invoice Number

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How do I find out what my membership (Inquiry) code is?

All questions pertaining to Inquiry codes should be directed to your Sales Representative. If you're unsure who your representative is, please contact your Data Reporting Representative or the Data Operations team at or (800) 303-9664. Please have the following pieces of information ready:

  • Company Name and Address
  • Invoice Number

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I have questions pertaining to contracts; who should I contact?

Please contact your Sales Representative. If you're unsure who your representative is, please contact your Data Reporting Representative or the Data Operations team at or (800) 303-9664. Please have the following pieces of information ready:

  • Company Name and Address
  • Subscriber Code
  • Invoice Number

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What is the phone number for your Fraud Department?

The Fraud Department can be reached at (800) 680-7289.

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What is the phone number for consumers to opt-out of pre-screen offers with TransUnion?

The phone number to opt-out of pre-screen offers is (888) -5OPTOUT (888-567-8688). This can also be done online at this website:, or via mail at this address:

TransUnion Name Removal Option
P.O. Box 505
Woodlyn, PA 19094

When mailing your written request, include the following information:

  • First, middle and last names (including Jr., Sr., III)
  • Current address
  • Previous address (if you've moved in the last six months)
  • Social Security number
  • Date of birth
  • Signature

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Technical Support FAQs

What are the different options for printing a credit report?

To find out your options for printing a TransUnion credit report, please contact TransUnion Client Technical Services at (800) 985-4208 between the hours of 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. Central Standard Time. You may also send an email to

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I need assistance submitting a reporting file via the secured website.

Please contact your Data Reporting Representative or the Data Operations team at or (800) 303-9664.

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I'm unable to access

Please contact your Data Reporting Representative or the Data Operations team at or (800) 303-9664.

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Does TransUnion accept zipped files?

Yes, TransUnion can accept zipped files in the Metro 2® format.

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We need our password for the website. Can you please provide this information?

Please contact your Data Reporting Representative or the Data Operations team at or (800) 303-9664.

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Why am I not receiving a file when pulling a credit report? Does this consumer have a freeze on their report?

For questions related to credit report output, you may contact TransUnion Client Technical Services at (800) 985-4208 between the hours of 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. Central Time, or via e-mail at

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What are the differences between the various scoring models?

For questions related to TransUnion's scoring products, please contact TransUnion Client Technical Services at (800) 985-4208 between the hours of 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. Central Standard Time. You may also send an email to

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Our company currently obtains credit reports through a reseller. How can we pull credit reports directly from TransUnion?

For more information for obtaining credit reports directly from TransUnion, please contact TransUnion Client Technical Services at (800) 985-4208 between the hours of 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. Central Standard Time. You may also send an email to

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Who can I contact at TransUnion for general product questions?

For questions related to TransUnion's products, please contact TransUnion Client Technical Services at (800) 985-4208 between the hours of 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. Central Standard Time. You may also send an email to

Who can I contact if I have forgotten my password and login ID for TU Desktop?

Please contact TransUnion Client Technical Services at (800) 985-4208 between the hours of 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. Central Standard Time. You may also send an email to

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Can you provide some guidelines regarding data input when trying to pull a consumer's credit file?

To ensure greater success in receiving a credit file, it is recommended that as much consumer-identifying data is supplied as possible: For further information, please contact TransUnion Client Technical Services at (800) 985-4208 between the hours of 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. Central Standard Time. You may also send an email to

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I'm receiving an error code when pulling a credit report. What does this error code mean and how can I resolve the issue?

Please contact TransUnion Client Technical Services at (800) 985-4208 between the hours of 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. Central Standard Time. You may also send an email to

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Can you provide the phone number for True Credit?

You can reach a Customer Service Team member Monday through Thursday, 8 a.m. to Midnight, Friday through Sunday, 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. Eastern Standard Time toll-free at (800) 493-2392.

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