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Put Your Best Phone Calls Forward With TruContact Trusted Call Solutions

The phone remains a very popular communications tool for reaching customers — especially when it comes to financial, healthcare or other highly personal interactions.

Unfortunately, due to robocalls, call spoofing, imposter scams and other phone-based fraud, consumers are afraid to pick up. And as these schemes become more prevalent and complex, businesses can’t reach customers, brands get tarnished, and those who can’t determine safe from risky calls are missing critical information.

Want to promote your brand while protecting your customers? 

With our powerful suite of TruContact™ Trusted Call Solutions, including Branded Call Display (BCD) and Spoofed Call Protection (SCP), you can promote your business and reach more customers while keeping your brand intact and safeguarding your bottom line and customers from the impacts of fraud.


  • Why the phone channel remains key to meeting customer service goals
  • 73% of consumers haven’t answered a phone call due to safety/fraud concerns — only to learn afterward it was a legitimate call
  • Customers who have high trust in a brand are much more likely to stay with that company vs. those with low trust
  • And many more interesting and valuable stats and trends

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