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An Optimized Customer Contact Strategy Combines Transparency and Intelligence

According to the Forrester Consulting study, An Optimized Customer Contact Strategy Combines Transparency and Intelligence: The State of Outbound Communications, challenges related to orchestration of outbound communications demand increased customer intelligence capabilities to meet the multichannel expectations of today’s customers. Respondents to the survey said achieving their goal of improving the customer experience hinged heavily on the outbound call experience.

However, the study notes that while the phone is the most important communications channel, due to robocalls and fraud, customers no longer trust the voice channel, and don’t answer.

In addition, while respondents said they’re confident in their ability to orchestrate a cross-channel outbound communications experience, they also indicated that their voice channel is separate from other channels, and they suffer from messaging silos by product, brand, and channel. These challenges, in addition to duplicate messaging, have a negative impact on the customer experience.

Read the study to learn what respondents had to say about:

  • Their top business and customer service goals for the next 12 months
  • Channels they’re using for the various types of outbound communications
  • Key challenges for getting calls through
  • Where they are in the customer contact solution adoption process
  • How they’re leveraging phone behavior intelligence to reach customers on the right day and time
  • How customer contact solutions like TruContact™ Phone Behavior Intelligence and TruContact™ Branded Call Display help increase right-party contacts, increase revenue and enhance customer service

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