A credit freeze can prevent new accounts from being opened in your name. It’s a free, easy way to protect your identity. You’re in control of your freeze. If you need to apply for a loan for your next major purchase, you can lift your freeze so those who need your credit report information have access to it.
In this article:
How to freeze your credit
How to unfreeze your credit
How to freeze your child’s credit report
Why you should place a credit freeze
A credit freeze, also known as a security freeze, is a free tool you can use to protect your credit report. When you place a credit freeze, third parties like lenders and other companies whose use is not exempt under the law, are unable to access your credit file. A credit freeze is especially useful if you don’t have plans to apply for credit soon. It can keep your identity safe until you’re ready for a loan.
Here’s how to place a credit freeze on your TransUnion credit report:
How to freeze your credit
The quickest and easiest way to freeze your TransUnion credit report is through the TransUnion Service Center. If you don’t have an account already, you’ll need to make one by providing some personal information and picking a username and password. When you’re logged in, you’ll see the option for Credit Freeze both on the homepage and in the menu at the top. When you select “Credit Freeze,” you’ll see a button that says “Add Freeze.” Hit the “continue” button on the page that pops up to activate the freeze. You should receive an email confirmation when your freeze is activated.